Government of India, ministry of Culture, National Archives of India notifies for National Archives of India Recruitment 2014 to fill up the application form for 47 vacancies. These vacancies are for Supervisor, Preservation Assistant , Conservation Attendants & Helpers posts. All interested and eligible candidates can easily apply online for this Govt vacancy through prescribed application form within 30 days from the date of publication of advertisement. You can find more information about this vacancy below in the post-
National Archives of India Recruitment 2014 Vacancy Details:

Supervisor, Preservation Assistant , Conservation Attendants & Helpers
Total Number of posts for candidates are 47 .
1) Supervisor : 01
2) Preservation Assistant : 21
3) Conservation Attendants : 02
4) Supervisor : 01
5) Preservation Assistant : 20
6) Helpers : 02
1. The pay scale of Candidate for Supervisor is Rs.25,000/- per month
2. The pay scale of Candidate for Preservation Asst is Rs.15,000/- per month
3. The pay scale of Candidate for Conservation Asst is Rs.10,000/- per month
4. The pay scale of Candidate for Preservation Asst is Rs.12,000/- per month
5. The pay scale of Candidate for Helpers is Rs.9,000/- per month.
Eligibility Criteria :
General Candidates age should not be more than 60 (Sixty) years .
- Educational Qualification :
1. For Supervisor post :
(a) Candidate must possess Graduate preferably in Science from a recognized University,
(b) Specialized training in the field of Conservation of archival heritage from a reputed organization
(c) Knowledge of Computer operation.
2. For Preservation Asst : Candidate must possess Minimum 12th pass and trained in Archival Conservation.
3. For Conservation Attendants : Candidate must be passed 10th pass & Trained persons in the field of conservation of documents.
4. For Preservation Assistant : Candidate should be done Minimum 10th pass and trained in Archival Conservation.
5. For Helpers post : Candidate must be passed 10th pass & Trained persons in the field of conservation of documents.
Selection will be taken on the basis of practical test and Personal Interview by committiee.
1. Candidate are required to download the application form through official web-site of National Archives of India .
2. After filling the application form Candidate take print and along with relevant enclosures send it to address given below :
The Director General of Archives,
National Archives of India,
Janpath, New Delhi-110001
Important Dates :
- Last date to apply for this vacancy : within 30 days from the date of publication of advertisement .
Important Links :
- Click here to Apply Online
All the Best to all Candidates for Written Test and Interviews!!