“Indian Institute of Management (IIM) is the Castle or Citadel of Engineers”
If you are an engineering student, then you must know about this unusual fact about IIM, which is directly connected from the engineering background. Question is that “Why so many engineering student get motivated to take admission in IIMs?”
Is here any particular relation b/w them?
Or, Something in the studies & environment of engineering, which psychologically affects to them?

This unique quote of Engineering defines about Engineers:
To the optimist, the glass is half full.
To the pessimist, the glass is half empty.
To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
If you also belong to the engineering sector, then ask from yourself!!…
Are you also interested to make your career in IIMs??
If reply is yes! then what is the specific reason ?
We will focus on all these points deeply in this article with some tremendous researched data. Are you ready for taking interest in?? 🙂
Summary of Indian IIMs condition:
There are plenty of engineers available in this country’s IIM institutions. If we believe on this data then 83 – 95 % engineers are present in the class/batch of 2015 at the centers name Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Kolkata, Lucknow, Indore & Kozhikode.
Now if we focus on International Business schools then 36 – 39% students belong to engineering background. Means is that, other stream students are available here.
Surely a lot of difference b/w 36 to 95 related from International to India.

Condition of Indian IIMs:
Till now, mostly engineering students are available in IIMs:
Institute Total Batch Engineering Student
IIM 440 (2013-15) 91 %
KOLKATA 452 (2012-14) 95%
IIM 403 (2013-15) 91.09%
BANGALORE 377 (2012-14) 88.84%
IIM 351 (2013-15) 83. 19%
LUCKNOW 327 (2012-14) 75.8 %
IIM 450 (2013-15) 89%
INDORE 450 (2012-14) 93%
IIM 365 (2013-15) 85%
KOZHIKODE 356 (2012-14) 88%
Condition of International Business Schools:
(1) Harvard Business School:
39% = Science, Technology, Engineering, Math
(2) Wharton Business School:
25% = Science, Technology, Engineering, Math
(3) IESE Business School:
36% = Engineering
(4) Stanford Business School:
37% = Engineering, Math, Natural Sciences
(5) Yale School of Management:
12% = Engineering
Can Engineers Successfully Qualify the CAT examination?
CAT full form is Common Admission Test. This examination is taken for the admissions in IIMs.
In India, the students who have better academic record, choose engineering sector. So that they have got good quantitive & aptitude skills, which help them to clear Common Admission Test (CAT). In short, Maximum possibilities are here to clear this test for engineers.

Also, so many engineering colleges are available in India. In this way, talent pool is so large. Other way, It doesn’t happen with non-engineering students.
Why IIMs is Focusing on Variety of Students now??
This is the major question for all different field students, who don’t belong to engineering background. If the different field students present in the class, then thinking of all students will be different also. So as the result, all students get benefits from each other from directly or indirectly by learning new things.
- Recently, IIM Ahmedabad has changed in selection criteria of admission for PGP batch 2014-16. The main motto behind that is to focus on one to one formula. Example: One other stream student along with an Engineering student in the class.
- IIM Kolkata has also focus on academic diversity of final selection stage for the batch 2013-15.
- IIM Lucknow is also planning & focusing on diversity points for the admission point of view.
Institutes want each type of student in their classes.
Hence, IIMs is attracting the many more students, special effect on engineers for make a wonderful career here.
Need of Innovative Thinking in the Market:
In each and every field, you need to be innovative. It’s not only limited till market but also applicable for your current life.
It’s also said that:
“Without Innovation, You Can’t Do Perfect Innogration!”
Hence, IIMs is also thinking for new innovating people with their different and multi tasking skills.
IIM Lucknow is strongly focusing on diversity points for admissions of their future batches. As well as Institutes are also thinking on the point that “Engineering Students will try to think with Innovative Ideas except the Technical Solution of each thing in their life.”
They are also giving the chances to understand the Sophisticiation & Complication of Life & Business World by nearly. As the result, they can work better in their business world in the future.
So in this way of thinking, most of the Engineering students are diverting their brain to IIMs & taking interest in it.
Wonderful Talent Pool:
Technology related industries are increasing heavily in India & students, who have technology background, are also getting jobs offers these technology field. In this way, if the B-School experience will count to give admissions then, Engineering students will surely win the gold medal here.
Talent is Something, Which can’t be defined by only Winning Players.
It is defined by Attitude, Determination & Passion of the Players.
The Dean of IIM Kolkata said about Engineering Students that
“Engineering Students are Wonderful for sure. We trend the Wonderful Talent Pool. Now It depends on Engineering Students that How early they learn these Business Skills & Formulas.”
It’s proved that IIMs is the Castle of Engineering Students. If you are an Engineering Student, then you must focus on IIMs also for your better future.
It’s Good to do Higher Studies..
It’s Better to produce Excellence from the Higher Studies.
It’s Best to use this Excellence for the Innovation to do Perfect Innogration. 🙂
So choose your excellence with your type of background. Know about yourself that “What you are and What you can do for others??”
It’s all depends on your way of learning attitude to the earning attitude. 🙂